Colors and Biogeographic Realms

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the image above created by carol is used/modified subject to Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


indicates the photos posted also on our photoblog (wildlife portrait archive) ;
indicates the identification being uncertain ;
indicates an introduced or re-introduced species ;
indicates the subject was dead when pictured ;
indicates a hybrid ;
indicates a chained or caged animal ;
indicates the photo taken with a trail camera ;
indicates the photo taken using a song/call recording (in spite of our policies below) ;
indicates the poto taken using bait (in spite of our policies below) ;
indicates a movie or slideshow; and
indicates a painting or drawing.
indicates a audio file.

Classification - Identification

The classification, common names and scientific names are based on 'Taxonomy in Flux (TiF)' by John H. Boyd III.

The identification of subspecies is based on location only in most of cases, and is therefore unreliable, inconsistent or even meaningless. It is added for fun only.

If you find errors, please contact site owner.

Our Policies

  • Our collections basically comprise photographs of the living creatures we have actually encountered by chance.
  • We don't use any bait, scent, artificial roost, audio devices or other unfair method to lure birds or animals except for some rare cases marked with relevant icons (We often talk / whistle to them with our own organs though).
  • Our collections include photos of domesticated animals freely walking, wandering or reposing at the time of our encounter. Animals in captivity are marked with the chain icon.
  • Similarly, you will only find plants and fungi growing wild. Rare exceptions include farm products like finger millet or rape flowers.

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My image
Covering : Turnicidae, Dromadidae, Glareolidae, Stercorariidae, Alcidae, Laridae


Photos featured on the blog - Click each thumbnail to see the relevant blog entry.

My image
Black-headed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Photo : 08/2012, Gun-Galuut NR., Mongolia.
My image
Black-headed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Photo : 12/2008, Tokyo, Japan.
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Slaty-backed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus schistisagus). Photo : 02/2011, Hokkaido, Japan.
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Black-legged Kittiwake (Laridae - Larinae. Rissa tridactyla). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
My image
Spectacled Guillemot (Alcidae. Cepphus carbo). Photo : 02/2011, Off Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan.
My image
Roseate Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna dougallii). Photo : 06/2007, Okinawa, Japan.
My image
Common Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 08/2011, Gun-Galuut NR., Mongolia.
My image
Black Noddy (Laridae - Anoinae. Anous minutus). Photo : 07/2007, Hawai'i Is., Hawai'i.
My image
Barred Buttonquail (Turnicidae. Turnix suscitator). Photo : 08/2011, Yala, Sri Lanka.
My image
Little Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2008, Tokyo, Japan.
My image
Large-billed Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.


You may filter photos by family, location, genus, name, etc.

  • My image
    Black-tailed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus crassirostris).
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    Vega Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus vegae).
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    Slaty-backed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus schistisagus).
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    Black-headed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus ridibundus).
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    Yellow-legged Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus michahellis).
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/1999, Huahine Is., French Polynesia.
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    Little Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2001, Kanagawa, Japan.
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    Little Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2001, Kanagawa, Japan.
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    Silver Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    Silver Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    Common Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    Whiskered Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias hybrida). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    White-winged Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias leucopterus). Photo : 08/2003, Darwin, Australia.
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    Pacific Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus pacificus). Photo : 09/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Pacific Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus pacificus). Photo : 09/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Silver Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae). Photo : 08/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Silver Gull [4] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae). Photo : 08/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Silver Gull [5] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae). Photo : 08/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Caspian Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Hydroprogne caspia). Photo : 09/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Heuglin's Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus heuglini). Photo : 04/2004, Yamaguchi, Japan.
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    Laughing Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Leucophaeus atricilla). Photo : 08/2004, Weg Naar Zee, Suriname.
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    Black Skimmer [1] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops niger). Photo : 08/2004, Weg Naar Zee, Suriname.
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    Black Skimmer [2] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops niger). Photo : 08/2004, Weg Naar Zee, Suriname.
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    Little Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 05/2005, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Double-banded Courser [1] (Glareolidae. Rhinoptilus africanus). Photo : 08/2005, Etosha, Namibia.
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    Double-banded Courser [2] (Glareolidae. Rhinoptilus africanus). Photo : 08/2005, Etosha, Namibia.
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    African Skimmer [1] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops flavirostris). Photo : 08/2005, Divundu, Namibia.
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    African Skimmer [2] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops flavirostris). Photo : 08/2005, Divundu, Namibia.
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    African Skimmer [3] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops flavirostris). Photo : 08/2005, Divundu, Namibia.
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    African Skimmer [4] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops flavirostris). Photo : 08/2005, Divundu, Namibia.
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    Kelp Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus dominicanus). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Kelp Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus dominicanus). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Kelp Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus dominicanus). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Sandwich Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus sandvicensis). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [5] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [6] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Great Crested Tern / Greater Crested Tern [7] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus bergii). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Arctic Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna paradisaea). Photo : 08/2005, Cape Cross, Namibia.
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    Hartlaub's Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus hartlaubii). Photo : 09/2005, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
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    Hartlaub's Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus hartlaubii). Photo : 09/2005, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
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    Hartlaub's Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus hartlaubii). Photo : 09/2005, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
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    Caspian Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Hydroprogne caspia). Photo : 09/2005, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
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    Kelp Gull [4] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus dominicanus). Photo : 09/2005, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
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    Kelp Gull [5] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus dominicanus). Photo : 09/2005, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
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    Mongolian Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus mongolicus). Photo : 04/2006, Mishima Is., Yamaguchi, Japan.
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    Roseate Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna dougallii). Photo : 07/2006, Okinawa, Japan.
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    Roseate Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna dougallii). Photo : 07/2006, Okinawa, Japan.
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    Black-naped Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna sumatrana). Photo : 07/2006, Okinawa, Japan.
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    Black-naped Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna sumatrana). Photo : 07/2006, Okinawa, Japan.
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    Saunders's Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Saundersilarus saundersi). Photo : 12/2006, Chiba, Japan.
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    Saunders's Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Saundersilarus saundersi). Photo : 12/2006, Chiba, Japan.
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    Common Murre / Guillemot [1] (Alcidae. Uria aalge). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Pigeon Guillemot [1] (Alcidae. Cepphus columba). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Black-legged Kittiwake [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Rissa tridactyla). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Black-legged Kittiwake [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Rissa tridactyla). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Black-legged Kittiwake [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Rissa tridactyla). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Black-legged Kittiwake [4] (Laridae - Larinae. Rissa tridactyla). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Black-legged Kittiwake [5] (Laridae - Larinae. Rissa tridactyla). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Common Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus canus). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Common Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus canus). Photo : 02/2007, Off Aomori, Japan.
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    Marbled Murrelet (Alcidae. Brachyramphus marmoratus). Photo : 02/2007, Off Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan.
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    White Tern [1] (Laridae - Gyginae. Gygis alba). Photo : 07/2007, O'ahu Is., Hawai'i.
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    White Tern [2] (Laridae - Gyginae. Gygis alba). Photo : 07/2007, O'ahu Is., Hawai'i.
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    Black Noddy [1] (Laridae - Anoinae. Anous minutus). Photo : 07/2007, Hawai'i Is., Hawai'i.
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    Black Noddy [2] (Laridae - Anoinae. Anous minutus). Photo : 07/2007, Hawai'i Is., Hawai'i.
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    Black Noddy [3] (Laridae - Anoinae. Anous minutus). Photo : 07/2007, Hawai'i Is., Hawai'i.
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    Black Noddy [4] (Laridae - Anoinae. Anous minutus). Photo : 07/2007, Hawai'i Is., Hawai'i.
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    Brown Noddy (Laridae - Anoinae. Anous stolidus). Photo : 07/2007, Hawai'i Is., Hawai'i.
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    Royal Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus maximus). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    Royal Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus maximus). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    Royal Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Thalasseus maximus). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    African Skimmer [5] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops flavirostris). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    African Skimmer [6] (Laridae - Rynchopinae. Rynchops flavirostris). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    Damara Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula balaenarum). Photo : 07/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    Common Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    Common Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    White-winged Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias leucopterus). Photo : 11/2007, Penghu Is., Taiwan.
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    White-winged Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias leucopterus). Photo : 11/2007, Penghu Is., Taiwan.
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    White-winged Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias leucopterus). Photo : 11/2007, Penghu Is., Taiwan.
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    Roseate Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna dougallii). Photo : 11/2007, Penghu Is., Taiwan.
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    Roseate Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna dougallii). Photo : 11/2007, Penghu Is., Taiwan.
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    Little Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2008, Tokyo, Japan.
    My image
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    Little Tern [5] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2008, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Little Tern [6] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2008, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Little Tern [7] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 06/2008, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Ring-billed Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus delawarensis). Photo : 08/2008, Patagonia, AZ, USA.
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    Ring-billed Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus delawarensis). Photo : 08/2008, Patagonia, AZ, USA.
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    Common Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus canus). Photo : 02/2009, Evros Delta, Greece.
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    Slender-billed Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Chroicocephalus genei). Photo : 02/2009, Evros Delta, Greece.
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    Common Gull [4] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus canus). Photo : 02/2009, Glyfada, Greece.
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    Barred Buttonquail [1] (Turnicidae. Turnix suscitator). Photo : 08/2009, Cat Tien NP., Vietnam.
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    European Herring Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus argentatus). Photo : 08/2010, Camargue, France.
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    Whiskered Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias hybrida). Photo : 08/2010, Camargue, France.
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    Gull-billed Tern (Laridae - Sterninae. Gelochelidon nilotica). Photo : 08/2010, Camargue, France.
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    Glaucous-winged Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus glaucescens). Photo : 02/2011, Hokkaido, Japan.
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    Glaucous Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus hyperboreus). Photo : 02/2011, Hokkaido, Japan.
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    Pigeon Guillemot [2] (Alcidae. Cepphus columba). Photo : 02/2011, Off Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan.
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    Spectacled Guillemot [1] (Alcidae. Cepphus carbo). Photo : 02/2011, Off Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan.
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    Crab Plover [1] (Dromadidae. Dromas ardeola). Photo : 02/2011, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Crab Plover [2] (Dromadidae. Dromas ardeola). Photo : 02/2011, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Lesser Black-backed Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus fuscus). Photo : 02/2011, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Barred Buttonquail [2] (Turnicidae. Turnix suscitator). Photo : 08/2011, Yala, Sri Lanka.
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    Whiskered Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias hybrida). Photo : 08/2011, Yala, Sri Lanka.
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    Caspian Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Hydroprogne caspia). Photo : 02/2012, Djibouti CIty, Djibouti.
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    Caspian Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Hydroprogne caspia). Photo : 02/2012, Djibouti CIty, Djibouti.
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    Sooty Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Ichthyaetus hemprichii). Photo : 02/2012, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Sooty Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Ichthyaetus hemprichii). Photo : 02/2012, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Sooty Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Ichthyaetus hemprichii). Photo : 02/2012, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Lesser Black-backed Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus fuscus). Photo : 02/2012, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
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    Common Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 08/2012, Gun-Galuut NP., Mongolia.
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    White-winged Tern [5] (Laridae - Sterninae. Chlidonias leucopterus). Photo : 08/2012, Gun-Galuut NP., Mongolia.
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    Mongolian Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus mongolicus). Photo : 08/2012, Gun-Galuut NR., Mongolia.
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    Saunders's Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Saundersilarus saundersi). Photo : 11/2012, Yamaguchi, Japan.
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    Glaucous Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus hyperboreus). Photo : 02/2014, Hokkaido, Japan.
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    Black-naped Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna sumatrana). Photo : 05/2014, Singapore.
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    Little Tern [8] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula albifrons). Photo : 05/2014, Singapore.
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    Japanese Murrelet [1] (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 05/2015, Off Koshiki Is., Japan.
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    Unidentified Gull (Laridae - Larinae. Larus sp.). Photo : 08/2015, Evian-les-Bains, France.
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    Large-billed Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
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    Large-billed Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
  • My image
    Large-billed Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
  • My image
    Large-billed Tern [4] (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
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    Large-billed Tern [5] (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
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    Yellow-billed Tern [1] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula superciliaris). Photo : 09/2017, Paramaribo, Suriname.
    My image
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    Yellow-billed Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula superciliaris). Photo : 09/2017, Paramaribo, Suriname.
    My image
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    Yellow-billed Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sternula superciliaris). Photo : 09/2017, Paramaribo, Suriname.
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    Large-billed Tern [6] (Laridae - Sterninae. Phaetusa simplex). Photo : 09/2017, Paramaribo, Suriname.
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    Laughing Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Leucophaeus atricilla). Photo : 09/2017, Paramaribo, Suriname.
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    European Herring Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus argentatus). Photo : 09/2017, Andé, France.
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    Great Black-backed Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus marinus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
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    Great Black-backed Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus marinus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
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    American Herring Gull [1] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, off ME, USA.
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    American Herring Gull [2] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, off ME, USA.
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    Laughing Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Leucophaeus atricilla). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
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    Black Guillemot [1] (Alcidae. Cepphus grylle). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Black Guillemot [2] (Alcidae. Cepphus grylle). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Black Guillemot [3] (Alcidae. Cepphus grylle). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Black Guillemot [4] (Alcidae. Cepphus grylle). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Razorbill [1] (Alcidae. Alca torda). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Razorbill [2] (Alcidae. Alca torda). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Razorbill [3] (Alcidae. Alca torda). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Atlantic Puffin [1] (Alcidae. Fratercula arctica). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Atlantic Puffin [2] (Alcidae. Fratercula arctica). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Atlantic Puffin [3] (Alcidae. Fratercula arctica). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Atlantic Puffin [4] (Alcidae. Fratercula arctica). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Atlantic Puffin [5] (Alcidae. Fratercula arctica). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine Coast, USA.
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    Arctic Tern [2] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna paradisaea). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine, USA.
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    Arctic Tern [3] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna paradisaea). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine, USA.
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    Common Tern [5] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine, USA.
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    Common Tern [6] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine, USA.
    My image
  • My image
    Common Tern [7] (Laridae - Sterninae. Sterna hirundo). Photo : 05/2018, Off Maine, USA.
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    American Herring Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
  • My image
    American Herring Gull [4] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
  • My image
    American Herring Gull [5] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
  • My image
    American Herring Gull [6] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
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    American Herring Gull [7] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
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    Great Black-backed Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus marinus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
  • My image
    Great Black-backed Gull [4] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus marinus). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
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    Ring-billed Gull [3] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus delawarensis). Photo : 05/2018, Mount Desert Is., ME, USA.
    My image
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    American Herring Gull [8] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus smithsonianus). Photo : 05/2018, Schoodic, ME, USA.
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    Japanese Murrelet [2] (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 03/2023, Off Toshima Is., Japan.
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    Rhinoceros Auklet [1] (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 06/2023, Teuri Is., Japan.
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    Spectacled Guillemot [2] (Alcidae. Cepphus carbo). Photo : 06/2023, Off Teuri Is., Hokkaido, Japan.
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    Rhinoceros Auklet [1] (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 06/2023, Off Teuri Is., Japan.
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    Common Murre / Guillemot [2] (Alcidae. Uria aalge). Photo : 06/2023, Off Teuri Is.,Japan.
  • My image
    Rhinoceros Auklet [2] (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 06/2023, Off Teuri Is., Japan.
  • My image
    Japanese Murrelet (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 06/2023, Off Teuri Is.,Japan.
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    Rhinoceros Auklet [3] (Alcidae. Synthliboramphus wumizusume). Photo : 06/2023, Yagishiri Is., Japan.
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    Common Gull [5] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus canus). Photo : 04/2024, Near Awajishima Is., Japan.
  • My image
    Common Gull [6] (Laridae - Larinae. Larus canus). Photo : 04/2024, Off Shodoshima Is., Japan.



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